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Auto Glass Services North York

Our Auto glass Services in North York is serving the customers for last many years. We have a team of professional and well-skilled technicians who work with the motive of customer satisfaction.

There are many situations when your automobile needs the auto glass services. Glass is the most vulnerable part of an automobile. It is used for back or front windshield, side or rear windows, quarter windows, or glass panel roofs. But the windshield is more prone to breakage and the cost of repairing or replacement of it is more than the other parts which are made up of glass.

Any little scratch or damage to it can not only destroy the beauty of the car but hinders the driver’s visibility as well. The glass of the automobiles can be damaged by cold and hot weather or might be your vehicle gets strike with a flying pebble or a bird.

In these situations, you cannot avoid the damage as it will be against the safety of the driver as well as for the passengers. Either you can go for repairing if possible otherwise it is better to choose replacement services. You cannot take this decision on your own as the repair technicians can guide you effectively after examining your vehicle.

The Auto Glass Repairing and Replacement part is very crucial and needs the trained technicians to perform such sensitive tasks.

SERVICEShow the technicians perform this task

Process of Repairing

Auto glass repair is a process of fixing the damaged cracks or holes. In order to fix it properly, several steps must be followed to ensure the effective repair.

Examine the vehicle

There are various contaminated or large cracks which cannot be repaired but directly preferred for replacement. Also, the old cracks are not easily repairable. So our repair technicians firstly examine the type and location of the crack before start the repairing process.

Chip Cleaning

The very first step is to clean the surface of the damaged chip with an exclusive primer. It is very important to perform the repairing process in dry weather which ensures that no liquid gets trapped in the glass.

Curing Process

Once the resin is injected, then it is required to solidify which is done by curing with a UV lamp. Curing is a crucial process for giving quality repair. It should be done accurately in a shorter time span.

Polishing and Cleaning

Lastly, excess resin is applied onto the chip to ensure a smooth surface. Then polishing is done to protect the resin from chemicals.

Process of Replacement

Large chips or cracks on your windshield cannot be repaired. Instead, replacement is the best option for your vehicle.

Resin Injecting

Once the chip surface has been prepared, then our technicians align the injector head to the chip entry point. In some cases, a drill is used to ensure a clean passage to the plastic, where the resin is to be injected.

The resin is an important element of repairing process. The resin viscosity for cracked repair is higher than the viscosity used for chip repairs. If the resin used is stronger or offers more strength then it gives more durability to your repaired windshield or glass. Our technicians in North York make use of High-quality resin to fully bond the crack together.

There are Various Steps That Our Technicians Follow to Ensure The Safety Replacement of Parts.

Remove Old Windshield

The very first step in the replacement process is to remove the existing windshield and the plastic moldings. A razor is often used for trimming purpose. Large suction cups with handles are used to take away the old windshield from its place

Prepare the Pinch weld

The pinch weld needs to be cleaned and prepared before starting the actual process. A pinch weld is designed to create the small gap between the windshield and the body of your car to hold the edges of the windshield.


The last step in the replacement process involves the careful fitting of the glass using suction cups and bars. A high-quality repair or replacement is required to ensure a safe traveling with your vehicle. And you can avail such services with us in North York. We also provide insurance benefits and warranty services to our clients. Our Services in North Book are known for Mobile Services which are very beneficial for the customers in case of any emergency. Our technicians will reach your place whenever required. We also give roadside assistance to our customers if in case any unexpected or urgent need requires in your road journey

Applying Urethane

Urethane is used as glue or an adhesive to hold the windshield in its place. Our technicians apply the urethane evenly which ensures that it will not create any problem while putting the windshield in place.

Our Services Our Service Plans To Meet All Your Demands

Our objective is customer satisfaction. With this purpose in mind, we endeavor to provide comprehensive services for any type of glass repair or replacement for your car. We have a skilled team that is adept at repairing or replacing the glass of cars of a variety of makes and models.



Rear Window


Side Window


Tinting All

The Windows